Wednesday, November 26, 2008

BRAZIL / Sao Paulo - MYO Solar Water Heater

Now, in Brazil and today I went to the Ecobusiness Show - nowadays everything is ECO!

I have to say that makes me sad to see that most of people are just getting in touch with the ecological side because of the financial return and sucks me to see that huge multinational were the main presenters of the event!

I loved when Paulo Itacarambi from Ethos Foundation question all of us if we are changing everything, but nothing!
It seems to me that lots of us feel the need of going further and deeper...
A change in our values, the way we live adn principally the way we consume to create a community through sustainable culture which involves a inner sense of ethics, love and cooperation.

Anyway, I got in touch with a NGO called Sociedade do Sol (Sun's Society) and it is amazing their willingness to share their research in partnership with several groups.

They have a low cost solar water heater available in their website - MYO!


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