Saturday, February 14, 2009

E Book: 'Sustainable Communities: Lessons from Aspiring Eco-Villages'

I haven´t read this book, but sounds good and I found very interesting have it available as an e-book.

This is the ebook version of 'Sustainable Communities: Lessons from Aspiring Eco-Villages' by Malcolm Hollick and Christine Connolly.

The book first introduces eco-village concepts and then describes eleven eco-villages and communities in Australia, the USA and Europe. Seven of these are members of the Global Eco-village Network and/or the Eco-village Network of the Americas.

An integrated view of each community is given which includes details of their beliefs and values; legal, financial, social and economic structures; technological systems, and interactions with the outside world.

In the second part of the book, eight key issues arising from this study are discussed in depth:

Building the legal foundations
Finding the money
Community sharing versus individual responsibility
Creating a caring, sharing community
Making decisions and managing conflicts
Making a living
Land selection and community design
The book contains a careful discussion of what makes a community an eco-village, and an imaginative glimpse of a sustainable future based on eco-village communities.

PS. I have no connections with the author or the business.
I just found interesting the theme and teh availability!

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